Quite simply, email or phone us! Tell us what it is you need and we can take it from there. The information you provide will enable us to work with you in a way that will benefit you and your business most effectively.
The closer we work with you, the easier it is to know what and how you want things. We are happy to have phone calls or Skype – whenever suits you!
Any deadlines you have will always be discussed. If we believe we cannot meet them for any reason, we will not take on your work.
Information and prompt responses to any queries we may have will ensure your work is completed according to schedule and will avoid unnecessary delays. My PA Online has everything needed to operate. We are happy to take on and use an email address for your company should you want.
All courier charges, postage, special stationery and international telephone calls are charged at cost.
We cost a fraction of what you would pay for an employee. You only pay for the work done and you will be amazed at what can be achieved in an hour!